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Resolution of October 27, 2021, of the Directorate General of Vocational Training, by which the final list of approved projects of student mobility abroad for reasons of Training in Companies for the school year 2021-22 is published.

Resolution of October 11, 2021, of the Directorate General of Vocational Training, by which the Extraordinary Awards for Higher Level Vocational Training corresponding to the 2019/2020 academic year are granted.

Resolution of October 13, 2021, of the Directorate General of Vocational Training, by which teachers are authorized to perform the functions of assessment and evaluation in the procedures for the evaluation and accreditation of professional competencies acquired through work experience or non-formal training routes

Resolution of June 17, 2021, of the General Directorate of Vocational Training, which publishes the definitive list of authorized and unauthorized dual vocational training projects for the 2021/2022 school year.

Distance vocational training

The Territorial Delegation of Education and Sport of Seville offers for the next course 2021/22 a total of 38,327 new entry places in Vocational Training, an increase of more than six percent over the previous course and the offer is expanded with 29 new training cycles and specialization courses.


In this sense, for the next course, more than 60 percent of the offer is associated with professional families linked to emerging employment sectors such as commerce and marketing linked to logistics, building and civil works, IT and telecommunications, electricity and electronics, agricultural or health machinery linked to biopharmaceuticals and advanced products, among others.

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Likewise, degrees related to emerging sectors of industry 4.0 such as big data, artificial intelligence, sustainable development, intelligent industry, robotics or 3D are created for the next course to cover the deficit of specialists in the sector of information technology and have a high employability, as will be the offer of IES ‘Camas- Antonio Brisquet’ Camas in implementation of 5G networks or IES ‘Punta del Verde’ in artificial intelligence and big data.

Catalog of middle grades junta de andalucia

From the Area of Vocational and Professional Guidance we send you a resource that we believe will be very useful for the development of your guidance work. This is a series of videos to promote vocational training in Andalusia, which, coordinated by the Service of Management and Training in Companies of the D.G. of Vocational Training, have been carried out with the joint work of the Areas of Vocational and Professional Guidance of the Provincial Technical Teams of Andalusia and schools.

These videos will be presented today Tuesday, March 23, 2021, in the regional training action “TRAINING DAYS ON VOCATIONAL ORIENTATION IN VOCATIONAL TRAINING” organized by the Teacher Center of Cadiz and the General Directorate of Vocational Training of the Ministry of Education and Sport of the Andalusian Government; financed by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and co-financed by the European Social Fund as an operation of “Training, Improvement and Mobility of Vocational Training Teachers”- “PROF 2019”.

Junta de andalucía virtual secretary

The Consejería de Educación y Deporte de la Junta de Andalucía has recently published promotional videos about Vocational Training in our Community. All of them can be seen in the portal of the Andalusian Vocational Training:

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We share here the video of the Hospitality and Tourism family, where there are contents and images of our Center, teachers and students. We thank the Ministry for choosing CPIFP Hurtado de Mendoza as one of the reference centers of the Professional Family of Hospitality and Tourism for the recording of this promotional video.