Canal 24 horas televisión española

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From Monday to Friday, from 10:00 am, Álex Barreiro, Ana Belén Roy and Cristina Pampín will be in charge of ‘Diario 24’. Four hours of live broadcasting in which special attention will be paid to economic information with Inma Gómez Lobo.

And, from September 14, the new stage of ‘La Noche en 24 Horas’ arrives, with Xabier Fortes in charge of this news program that reviews the current events of each day, with the help of analysts and the protagonists of the news.

Emblematic programsIn the new season, the programs that complete the programming of Canal 24 Horas will be broadcasted again: ‘Parlamento’, ‘El Mundo en 24 Horas’, ‘Audiencia Abierta’, ‘En Lengua de Signos’, ‘Europa 2020’, ‘Crónicas’, ‘En Portada’, ‘Agrosfera’ and ‘Latinoamérica en 24 H’, among others.

noticias 24 horas españa online

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Inicialmente estaba disponible en el paquete de satélite digital Vía Digital en el satélite Hispasat a 30° Oeste, y estaba encriptado, por lo que se dirigía principalmente a España, aunque también podía verse emitido en simulcast por TVE Internacional a determinadas horas del día. Sin embargo, con el tiempo comenzó a emitir en simulcast en el sistema de satélites Eutelsat Hot Bird y SES Astra en claro, pasando posteriormente a las transmisiones digitales en abierto en el mismo satélite en una fecha posterior.


Actualmente, el canal está disponible en los satélites Astra 1KR e Hispasat 1D a 19,2°E y 30°W respectivamente como parte del paquete Digital + sólo para España, en el satélite Eutelsat Hot Bird a 13°E para toda Europa, y en el satélite Hispasat 1C a 30°W para América hasta marzo de 2006. Después, sólo será posible recibir TVE a través de los paquetes españoles ofrecidos por Dish Network y DirectTV en América.

rtve news

The journalist decided to publish this weekend a complaint complaining about the little importance that the corporation directed by José Manuel Pérez Tornero gives to certain news. Her message did not take long to go viral on social networks, to the point of becoming a Trending Topic.

Boix regretted that the information he had prepared about the protests and the boycott of Belgian women to the country’s nightclubs after the increase in cases of sexual assault went unnoticed. “That’s the thing about working for RTVE’s 24-hour Channel, which doesn’t seem to exist,” she said, very indignant.

The surprise was that the video became viral in a few minutes. And in just two days, the informative piece that she published in social networks reached the same amount of views as viewers have the continuous information channel of RTVE.

More than 120,000 people watched the video and several thousand people shared the video. After the report, the information appeared in several news bulletins of the channel, RTVE’s website and the social networks of the news services.

tve internacional

Estudios regionalesTVE Andalucía | TVE Aragón | TVE Asturias | TVE Baleares | TVE Canarias | TVE Cantabria | TVE Castilla-La Mancha | TVE Catalunya | TVE Castilla y León | TVE Ceuta | TVE Comunitat Valenciana | TVE Extremadura | TVE Galicia | TVE La Rioja | TVE Madrid | TVE Melilla | TVE Murcia | TVE Navarra | TVE País Vasco

ProgramaciónTelediario | La 2 Noticias | Jugamos en Casa | Informe Semanal | Pocoyó | Yoko | Los Lunnis | Saber y Ganar | Sendokai Champions | Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión (Junior) | Operación Triunfo | Cleo & Cuquín | El tiempo RTVE | Viaje al centro de la tele | Inés del alma mía1

Noticieros regionalesInformativo Madrid | L’Informatiu | L’informatiu Comunitat Valenciana | Panorama Regional | Telecanarias | TeleCantabria | Telenavarra | Telenorte | TeleRioja | Telexornal | Noticias Andalucía | Noticias Castilla y León | Noticias Castilla- La Mancha | Noticias Aragón | Noticias de Ceuta | Noticias de Melilla | Noticias Extremadura | Noticias Murcia | Informatiu Balear

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