Letra cancion cero el canto del loco

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An artist characterized by not mincing words, something very applauded by his fans. In fact, he has even confessed which song of El Canto Del Loco he doesn’t want to sing again or which is, in his opinion, one of the worst songs he has ever written.

Why not dedicate a song to that person you literally can’t stand? That’s what Dani Martín and his band must have thought, since negative emotions also had a place in Estados De Ánimo. Thanks to El Canto Del Loco, we have this wonderful song to dedicate to someone who has not been too good to you.

Within the album Zapatillas there were also moments of tenderness and Tal Como Eres is one of them, a hymn to true love. A song that David Otero has also re-released, in this case with Cepeda.

It is one of the most special and beloved of his solo career. In it he talks about the possibility of starting from scratch after looking back to the past. A perfect single for new opportunities, as well as, to start a different stage in life.

the way you are el canto del loco

Compilation that includes beautiful phrases of songs by Dani Martin, short texts but that reach you.Pin The lyrics of Dani Martin are certainly a source of inspiration. At the end of each of the phrases I wrote down the title of the corresponding song, in case you want to listen to it in full. I also separated them into several categories depending on what they made me feel when I listened to them.  PinDani MartínFrases de Dani Martín beautiful and sentimentalHere I include beautiful verses and deep lyrics that touch the soul. Dani Martin’s songs are undoubtedly sentimental, here’s a good sample of it:Frases de Dani Martín melancholicSelection with phrases of nostalgia and melancholy, also very present in the songs of Dani. Maybe they leave a bitter aftertaste, but that’s how life is sometimes. These are the quotes I chose:Frases de El Canto del Loco


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Sometimes we do not realize that we are attached to superfluous things, to material things, to people… that is, everything that does not let us look beyond ourselves. Sometimes we love that which does not let us grow, we give ourselves to that which does not bring us anything and, maybe, just maybe, we can truly love when we have detached from ourselves because we have given ourselves completely.

Our whole life is a constant learning process, a constant learning from our mistakes to get up stronger and stronger. It is a vital and optimistic song to know that we always have the opportunity to change even if it seems a difficult or even impossible undertaking.

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After publishing this beautiful song, which will be part of his next album, the singer, always supported by his most unconditional fans, has received thousands of responses to the video, which has already accumulated more than 100,000 reproductions. Among the most widespread comments, the most popular are adjectives such as “beautiful”, “precious” or “wonderful” to define the song, which has touched the heartstrings of more than one.

In addition to his legion of followers, some of Martín’s friends and acquaintances also wanted to dedicate a few words to him. This was the case of the singer Rosa López, who wrote “Lindo eres, Dani”; the members of the group Sidonie, who responded with ’emojis’; or the actress Andy Molina, daughter of Lydia Bosch, who replied “This is really good! Beautiful Dani!

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