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Some virtual exercises to answer during a shooting, which is where you can assess the ability to rspuesta acquired to meet and solve the problems and incidents of each area and departments.

* All the opinions about the online course Technical Course in Cinematographic Production, here compiled, have been filled in voluntarily by our students, through a form that is attached to all of them, together with the materials, or at the end of their course in our Online campus, in which they are invited to leave us their impressions about the course.

This course is aimed at professionals in the film industry who want to expand their knowledge in their area and/or who are interested in learning about the production departments, the pre-production process, the costs involved in the process, possible financing and the stages of film production. The course is also aimed at non-experts who are interested in acquiring this knowledge and who consider it of interest to complement their training.

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ASSISTANCE TO THE CINEMATOGRAPHIC PRODUCTION AND AUDIOVISUAL WORKS: Online Course Assistance to the Cinematographic Production and Audiovisual Works (Directed to the obtaining of the Certificate of professionalism through the accreditation of the Professional Competences R.D. 1224/2009)


ASSISTANCE TO THE CINEMATOGRAPHIC PRODUCTION AND AUDIOVISUAL WORKS: Online Course Assistance to the Cinematographic Production and Audiovisual Works (Directed to the obtaining of the Certificate of professionalism through the accreditation of the Professional Competences R.D. 1224/2009)

ASSISTANCE TO THE CINEMATOGRAPHIC PRODUCTION AND OF AUDIOVISUAL WORKS: With this course of ASSISTANCE TO THE CINEMATOGRAPHIC PRODUCTION AND OF AUDIOVISUAL WORKS with professional qualification you will be able to acquire the suitable knowledge to give the definitive impulse to your labor career, and to reach all your goals.

Certificate of Achievement of having completed the training that accredits the Competence Units included in the Certificate of Professionalism IMSV0108 Assistance to the Cinematographic Production and Audiovisual Works, regulated

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We develop your analog reels in color, both in C41 process and ECN2 process. We develop your black and white negatives, with or without forcing. We develop slide film in E6 process with or without markers. We also develop your reels with the so-called cross process. We have several photographic negative scanners for negatives and slides.

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