Cómo se hacen las torrijas de leche

Torrijas caramelizadas

Eran completamente diferentes de la iteración que comí en el País Vasco, pero seguían siendo tan deliciosas. El recubrimiento de huevo frito era delicadamente masticable comparado con el crujiente recubrimiento de azúcar de la torrija caramelizada, y el centro tenía una suavidad estructurada más familiar, parecida a la de las tostadas francesas, que todavía requería un poco de músculo en la muñeca para cortar el pan con un tenedor, en contraste con el interior de crema pastelera que se podía comer con cuchara. Era más bien un bocadillo dulce de media tarde, mientras que el de Elkano era un postre en toda regla.

Para entender mejor qué es lo que pasa en el mundo de las torrijas, me puse en contacto con dos chefs españoles, el barcelonés Marc Vidal, de la Boquería de Nueva York, y el chef Anthony Masas, que cocinó durante años en El Bulli antes de trasladarse a la República Dominicana, donde ahora es el director culinario del resort Casa de Campo. Ambos confirmaron mi corazonada de que las torrijas fritas con aceite de oliva que comí en Madrid eran más tradicionales -por supuesto, no hace falta ser un detective culinario certificado para sospechar que la gente no rescataba el pan duro en los viejos tiempos con cucharadas de espuma de leche y sopletes. Pero ambos chefs son partidarios de un enfoque más moderno para preparar las torrijas en sus restaurantes; freírlas en aceite de oliva resulta caro, y requiere un espacio de cocina y personal dedicados, lo que no es lo más práctico para los establecimientos que no son conocidos como la “Casa de las Torrijas”.

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Torrijas wikipedia

The important thing for the Torrijas is that the bread is at least the day before, but you can also use several days old bread. Being hard it will be more consistent and will hold better when we soak it in milk.

I have used a loaf of bread left over from the previous day, and they have turned out spongy and crunchy. Nowadays it is also common to find special bread for torrijas. You can also make them with Brioche bread, which will make them even fluffier.

The key to the rich flavor of these torrijas lies in the infusion of the milk together with the pomace cream. The first thing to do is to wash the lemon well, and peel half of its skin, making sure that there is no white part inside, which has a bitter taste.


We take 2 deep plates: in one we pour the strained milk and in another one we beat the eggs. Cut the bread into slices about 2 cm. wide and place them in the milk, so that they are well soaked on both sides.

In a wide frying pan, pour abundant olive oil and heat it. When it gets hot and is very hot, we pass the bread with milk to the egg, we wet on both sides and directly to the frying pan.

Torrijas recipe wine

If you love torrijas but you are on a diet and you don’t want to overdo it with fried food, prepare baked torrijas! Just as delicious as the traditional ones but much lighter, I personally love them, because they don’t make any mess in the kitchen:

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If someone in your family is vegan, or has any allergy or intolerance to eggs or milk we also have a recipe especially designed for them. See the recipe for vegan torrijas without eggs and milk.

And how do you like your torrijas? Preparing delicious homemade torrijas, as you can see, has no complications. So at Easter, Lent, or whenever you prefer … enjoy this great recipe!

Spanish torrijas

The important thing for the Torrijas is that the bread is at least from the previous day, but bread from several days is also good. Being hard it will be more consistent and will hold better when soaked in milk.

I have used a loaf of bread left over from the previous day, and they have turned out spongy and crunchy. Nowadays it is also common to find special bread for torrijas. You can also make them with Brioche bread, which will make them even fluffier.

The key to the rich flavor of these torrijas lies in the infusion of the milk together with the pomace cream. The first thing to do is to wash the lemon well, and peel half of its skin, making sure that there is no white part inside, which has a bitter taste.

We take 2 deep plates: in one we pour the strained milk and in another one we beat the eggs. Cut the bread into slices about 2 cm. wide and place them in the milk, so that they are well soaked on both sides.

In a wide frying pan, pour abundant olive oil and heat it. When it gets hot and is very hot, we pass the bread with milk to the egg, we wet on both sides and directly to the frying pan.

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