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There is no such thing as the perfect tablet, only the one that best fits our needs, expectations and budget. If you are thinking of buying one, in this tablet buying guide updated to 2020 we try to provide guidance to know what factors to take into account and the models available on the market.

The screen of a tablet inevitably conditions our experience with this device. In this sense, it is important to be clear about what we want to do with it and how long we will be in front of its screen.

There are alternatives on the market ranging from 8 to over 12 inches. However, the bulk of models tend to be around 10 inches, offering an interesting balance between the lightness and comfort (in hand) provided by a contained panel versus the versatility and comfort (for the eye) of larger screens.

In terms of panel technology, as with TVs and smartphones, we are once again faced with the LCD vs OLED dilemma, in this case in IPS LCD vs AMOLED format. Each has its strengths and weaknesses as applied to tablets, so again we insist on the importance of being clear about their destination.

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To watch videos, to take and read notes, to consult doubts from the sofa or even to work: buying a tablet is to enjoy the most versatile device, but for that it is necessary to be clear about what we expect from them and what they can give us. In the market we find a rather limited offer – compared to computers and cell phones – but enough to get lost. Which tablet is the best value for money?


Regarding the panel technology, we find ourselves in the eternal battle between LCD vs OLED. Without dwelling on the characteristics of each one, we will focus on their application and where we find them: OLEDs in the high ranges, offering images with higher brightness and contrast – although it also depends on other factors such as calibration and resolution -, compared to some all-terrain and good-looking IPS LCD screens.

If you do not want it for mobile use, where we want it to be as light and compact as possible, you can save quite a lot on models with noticeable frames because, as in smartphones, the trend in tablets is the reduction of edges to the bare minimum … something that is evident in some mid-range and high-end models.

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Corporation y MegaFon, uno de los operadores de telefonía móvil de más rápido crecimiento en Rusia, han anunciado hoy la disponibilidad general del MegaFon Mint, el primer smartphone de alto rendimiento con Intel Inside para Rusia. El dispositivo estará disponible para los clientes en las tiendas minoristas de MegaFon y en línea a partir del 22 de agosto a un precio de venta al público de 17.990 rublos (unos 550 dólares).

El MegaFon Mint se basa en el dispositivo de referencia para smartphones de Intel, que incluye el procesador Intel® Atom™ Z2460 con tecnología Intel® Hyper-Threading y la plataforma HSPA+ Intel® XMM™ 6260. Juntas, estas soluciones de Intel ayudan a garantizar rápidas velocidades de descarga de datos y una experiencia de usuario ágil y sensible, todo ello manteniendo una gran duración de la batería: hasta 5 horas de navegación 3G, 45 horas de reproducción de audio y 8 horas de conversación con una sola carga1.

“Los clientes rusos reconocen a MegaFon como un valioso proveedor de telecomunicaciones y un gran distribuidor nacional de teléfonos, smartphones, tabletas y otros dispositivos innovadores de alta tecnología de marca propia”, dijo Mikhail Dubin, vicepresidente de MegaFon. “Los dispositivos de los clientes de MegaFon y el servicio de telco siempre han significado la mejor calidad y sostenibilidad a precios razonables. Consideramos que el MegaFon Mint es un verdadero avance tecnológico. Es un dispositivo muy atractivo, y estoy seguro de que los clientes finales lo valorarán”.

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With September just around the corner, many people will consider buying a laptop for class. It is true that the diversity of features and budgets of these computers makes them ideal for this usage scenario, but tablets are also a good alternative for a specific type of user. In this guide to buying tablets for studying we help you to discover which features are important and we propose a careful selection to get it right.

In short: if you are looking for a very light and portable device to work on tasks such as video calls, internet or basic office automation and you plan to use cloud services, a tablet is a good option. If this is not the case, buying a laptop for studying is probably the best option.

Finally, back to the budget: from 500 euros you will find solvent laptops, moderately light and much more versatile than a tablet in that price range.

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