Españoles por el mundo el salvador

Immigrants in el salvador

In the middle of the last century, in the population records, the question of ethnic category was no longer taken into account, so it is no longer known how many there are, although there are authors who speak of one hundred thousand to two hundred thousand as the current population of descendants of Palestinian Arabs. Dr. Armando Bukele Kattán estimated that it was approximately 1-3% of the population of El Salvador, that is, between 65,000 and 195,000 descendants, but it is very difficult to have a count. Only Chile and Honduras have a larger colony than El Salvador.

In 1939 the Arab community based in Tegucigalpa organized and founded the “Sociedad Unión Juventud Árabe”, which led to the founding of similar associations in countries such as Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and Nicaragua; this Arab society also founded the publication of a weekly magazine “Rumbos” and an exclusive program that was broadcast on Radio H. R. N.[28] The study “Admixture and genetic diversity of the Arab community in El Salvador” was carried out by the “Sociedad Unión Juventud Árabe”.

The study Admixture and genetic relationships of Mexican Mestizos regarding Latin American and Caribbean populations based on 13 CODIS-STRs found that the genetic admixture of some Central American countries was as follows:[39]

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Appointment spanish embassy in el salvador

This Friday will be the grand finale of `MasterChef Junior¿ and we will know the winner of the ninth edition of TVE¿s culinary talent. Olivia, Carla, Guillem and Ariel will fight for the trophy of the program, the 12,000 euros prize and a four-day cooking course at the Basque Culinary Center.

The line-up of the great artists who have confirmed their participation in the concert ‘Más fuertes que el volcán’, the great charity musical event organized by RTVE, which will take place on Saturday, January 8, is already closed. All funds raised will go to the victims of the Cumbre Vieja volcano (La Palma).


Migration statistics in el salvador 2021

In the middle of the last century, in the population records, the question of ethnic category was no longer taken into account, so it is no longer known how many there are, although there are authors who speak of one hundred thousand to two hundred thousand as the current population of descendants of Palestinian Arabs. Dr. Armando Bukele Kattán estimated that it was approximately 1-3% of the population of El Salvador, that is, between 65,000 and 195,000 descendants, but it is very difficult to have a count. Only Chile and Honduras have a larger colony than El Salvador.

In 1939 the Arab community based in Tegucigalpa organized and founded the “Sociedad Unión Juventud Árabe”, which led to the founding of similar associations in countries such as Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and Nicaragua; this Arab society also founded the publication of a weekly magazine “Rumbos” and an exclusive program that was broadcast on Radio H. R. N.[28] The study “Admixture and genetic diversity of the Arab community in El Salvador” was published by the University of El Salvador in 1939.

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The study Admixture and genetic relationships of Mexican Mestizos regarding Latin American and Caribbean populations based on 13 CODIS-STRs found that the genetic admixture of some Central American countries was as follows:[39]

Embajada de españa en el salvador horarios

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