Bono social luz familia numerosa

bono social eléctrico

El bono social eléctrico es un mecanismo que crea el Ministerio de Industria, para ofrecer a determinados colectivos un descuento en el precio de la electricidad. Las normas básicas que lo regulan son, la Lei 24/2013 del sector eléctrico, el Real Decreto 897 / 2017 de 6 de octubre, y la ordenETU / 943/2017 de 6 de octubre. Se trata del segundo bono social eléctrico del Estado español, y entró en vigor el 8 de octubre de 2017.

Con esta orden se introducen importantes cambios en la norma. Por un lado, se vincula el acceso al bono al nivel de ingresos de la unidad familiar, y al número de menores dentro de la misma. Además, se reconoce al consumidor vulnerable, en situación de vulnerabilidad y riesgo de exclusión social, lo que puede suponer importantes cambios en la lucha contra la pobreza energética.

Nuevas formas de aplicación: El sábado 7 de abril de 2018 se publicó la orden ETU 361/2018, que modifica las formas de aplicación del bono social. En esta orden también se amplía el plazo para la renovación de los actuales usuarios del bono social, hasta el 9 de octubre de 2018. Por otro lado, pide que los solicitantes individuales acrediten su estado civil mediante la hoja individual de registro civil. Mientras no sea posible la expedición de este documento, se podrá presentar cualquier otro documento expedido por la autoridad competente.

iberdrola bono social

The Bono Social de luz is an aid offered by the Government so that people with less economic resources can pay their electricity bills. To benefit from the Bono Social it is essential to meet a series of requirements in terms of income level and family situation, and the application must be processed directly with a Reference Distributor.

The Bono Social de luz or Bono Social Eléctrico is aimed at vulnerable consumers with a complicated economic situation. It is a discount offered by the Government to help families pay their electricity bills.


Once the Reference Reseller receives the application for the Bono Social from any user, as long as they meet the necessary requirements, it takes approximately 15 days for the discount to be applied to their bill.

Being a beneficiary of the Bono Social eléctrico depends on the family unit and the annual income level. Depending on these conditions, a family can be considered as a vulnerable consumer, severe vulnerable consumer or severe vulnerable consumer at risk of social exclusion.

applying for a social voucher

The Fourth Vice President of the Government and Minister for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Teresa Ribera, announced Tuesday in Congress a reform of the social bonus of electricity so that it is received by “those who need it most”.

“Sometimes we find that it is not necessarily so and if we cross income and wealth information we may be giving coverage to people who can manage better and leaving aside resources that could be allocated to particularly needy groups.”

Ribera, who has announced that “in the coming weeks” will raise to the Council of Ministers the Energy Storage Strategy, has appeared before the Commission on Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge of Congress to give explanations in relation to the escalation of the bill as a result of the squall Filomena and the cold snap of the first half of January, as well as to explain the Government measures to promote the reduction of the cost of electricity and the protection of vulnerable consumers.

thermal social voucher

The electricity bill shot up by wholesale market prices forces households to look for alternatives to save as much as possible on their bills. For those with fewer resources or who meet certain requirements, the bono social eléctrico provides assistance in the form of discounts of between 25%, 50% and 100% on payments.

40% for severe vulnerable consumers40% of the bill is discounted for severe vulnerable consumers. In which cases does one fall into this category? One of the following requirements must be met.

A third case is that the consumer or the person living in the household receives a minimum pension, with no other income of more than 500 euros per year, has an annual income equal to or less than the IPREM in 14 payments, 7,908.60 euros.

If, in addition to being a severely vulnerable consumer, they are a consumer at risk of social exclusion, “because they are being attended by the social services of an autonomous or local administration that pays at least 50% of the bill”, according to the Ministry, they will not have to pay the bill. In case of “temporary impossibility” to pay, the supply will not be interrupted.

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