Cfv junta es fomento y vivienda
This Office of the Andalusian Ombudsman is beginning to receive complaints regarding the end of the deadline for the resolution of the call for the 2018 financial year for aid, on a non-competitive basis, for the rental of permanent housing for people in a situation of special vulnerability, with limited income and young people in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, made by the Order of October 30, 2018 of the then Ministry of Development and Housing, without the relevant resolutions having been handed down.
Said aid, which will be financed with funds from the Junta de Andalucía’s own financing and state funds, is provided for both in the Andalusian Housing and Rehabilitation Plan 2016-2020, regulated by Decree 141/2016, of 2 August, and in the State Housing Plan 2018-2021, regulated by Royal Decree 106/2018, of 9 March.
“In accordance with the provisions of base sixteen of the Regulatory Bases, the deadline for resolving and notifying the resolution will be three months from the end of the deadline for submission of applications set in this call for the case of aid whose processing has been prioritized, as well as aid to young people, and six months for the rest of the cases. The expiration of the maximum term without having been notified a resolution legitimizes the interested persons to understand that their application has been rejected by administrative silence.”
Rental assistance 2021
Base Map of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura. Extremadura. General maps. 2009. Scale 1:300.000Consejería de Fomento, Vivienda, Ordenación del Territorio y Turismo. Government of Extremadura / Junta. ExtremaduraBase map of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura. Extremadura. Autonomous maps. 2009. Scale 1:300.000Consejería de Fomento, Vivienda, Ordenación del Territorio y Turismo. Government of Extremadura / Junta. ExtremaduraEuroregion Base Map / Mapa Base da Eurorregiao Alentejo-Centro-Extremadura (EUROACE). 1:500.000Extremadura-Alentejo. General maps. 2013. Scale 1:500.000EUROACE / CNIG. National Geographic Institute / Territorial and Environmental Observatory Alentejo Extremadura Center. OTALEX C / European Union / Consejería de Fomento, Vivienda, Ordenación del Territorio y Turismo. Government of Extremadura
Housing assistance
The Consejería de Fomento y Vivienda has definitively awarded aid for Building Rehabilitation to 33 communities of neighbors in the province of Cadiz, which will go towards the execution of accessibility, structural safety and conservation works. The subsidies reach 1.1 million euros, and specifically Rota will be allocated the amount of 145,194 euros, which will benefit four communities of neighbors located in the vicinity of the 512 homes and adjacent streets.
The subsidies, which are granted on the cost of the works and the cost of drafting fees, construction management and building assessment report, have been processed through competitive concurrence between communities. These grants range between 35% of the cost for conservation and efficiency works, with a limit of 2,000 euros per dwelling, and 50% for accessibility works, with a maximum of 4,000 euros per property, with an overall ceiling of up to 11,000 euros per dwelling and per 100 square meters, in the case of premises.
How to apply for a vpo
Grants for actions under the Program of basic functional adequacy of housing of the Housing and Rehabilitation Plan of Andalusia 2016-2020, for the year 2017BOJA 121/2017 (of 06/27/2017) Deadline for Submission of applications The deadline for submission of applications will be one month from the day following the day after the publication in the Official Gazette of the Junta de Andalucía the extract provided in Article 20.8.a) of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies.
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