Junta del principado de asturias

asturias election

The General Assembly of the Principality of Asturias is the highest legislative body of the Autonomous Community. The General Assembly that we can see in Oviedo, reminds with its name to the old General Meetings and Deputations of the Principality of Asturias that, since the late Middle Ages, had served to represent the councils of the Principality of Asturias before the Crown.

It is one of the most recognized and recognizable buildings in Oviedo and, perhaps, the best known by the inhabitants of the city. Placed at one end of the San Francisco Park, it imposes its presence on the Plaza de la Escandalera and it is impossible not to see it on any route to the Cathedral. What do we have to see in Oviedo? If that’s your question, you have to take the tour that takes you to the Junta. It’s not an important building for nothing…

news from asturias

In order to be faithful to the principle of division of powers, the executive function is assigned to another body arising from the parliament itself: the Government of the Principality of Asturias. The President of the Principality is elected by the General Assembly from among its members and is in charge of appointing the Council of Government whose work is controlled by the chamber. The General Assembly is also responsible for approving the budgets of the autonomous community.

The deputies represent the Asturian people and are elected by them on the basis of three electoral constituencies. They enjoy certain rights and acquire certain obligations. They also enjoy certain prerogatives such as inviolability and special privileges. The deputies are grouped into parliamentary groups.

At the beginning of the legislature, the deputies of Izquierda Unida, Foro and Vox formed the Mixed Group, as none of the formations reached the figure of 3 deputies. This mixed group presented a proposal to modify the rules of procedure of the Junta to lower the requirement. This proposal was approved with the support of the PSOE on July 29, which allowed these formations to have their own group. [4]


meeting of oviedo 1808

The Deputies of the General Assembly are not bound by an imperative mandate. They enjoy, even after they have ceased to hold office, inviolability for opinions expressed in parliamentary acts and for votes cast in the exercise of their office. During their term of office, they may not be arrested or detained for criminal acts committed in the territory of Asturias, except in cases of flagrante delicto, and the High Court of Justice of the Autonomous Community shall decide in all cases on their indictment, imprisonment, prosecution and trial. Outside this territory, criminal liability will be enforceable, in the same terms, before the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court.

foro asturias

La Junta General del Principado de Asturias (en español: Junta General del Principado de Asturias, en asturiano: Xunta Xeneral del Principáu d’Asturies) es el parlamento de Asturias, comunidad autónoma de España. Su Estatuto de Autonomía, ley orgánica básica de la comunidad, lo define como la máxima institución de representación del pueblo asturiano.

Creada en 1982, tiene el nombre de una institución política asturiana que existió desde la Edad Media hasta el siglo XIX. La Junta General ejerce el poder legislativo, aprueba los presupuestos de la comunidad y orienta y controla la acción del Consejo de Gobierno, el poder ejecutivo, cuyo titular elige como “Presidente del Principado de Asturias”. Además, ejerce todas las competencias atribuidas o desconcentradas a las comunidades autónomas en la Constitución de España y asumidas por la propia comunidad en su Estatuto de Autonomía y en cualquier otra ley pertinente.

La Junta General está integrada por 45 miembros denominados “diputados” por un periodo de cuatro años, salvo que sea disuelta por el Presidente del Principado, que entonces convoca nuevas elecciones. La Junta General se reúne en el Palacio Regional de Oviedo.

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