How to run with the bulls in pamplona

when do the bulls run in pamplona?

After the Plaza del Ayuntamiento and Mercaderes Street we arrive at the most famous curve of the running of the bulls, where the bulls usually skid causing dangerous falls.    It is one of the most spectacular stretches of this peculiar race.

Estafeta Street is long, straight and relatively wide. By the time the bulls reach Estafeta Street, they have lost some of their initial verve and their speed is somewhat slower. All this means that it is here where the runners perform the most beautiful runs in front of the horns.


El origen de los encierros se remonta a la Edad Media, cuando las manadas de toros eran conducidas por jinetes hacia el centro de la ciudad. En el siglo XVI, varios mozos y carniceros locales desafiaron a las autoridades saliendo a correr delante de los toros. El recorrido actual data de finales del siglo XVIII, y abarca 848,6 metros desde los corrales de Santo Domingo hasta la Plaza de Toros.

Este es el acto principal de las fiestas, y consiste básicamente en correr delante de seis toros bravos, que son trasladados cada mañana a las 8:00 por pastores y novilleros desde los corrales de Santo Domingo hasta la Plaza de Toros, por un recorrido convenientemente enrejado que discurre por las calles del centro histórico de la ciudad. Una carrera feroz y tensa, en la que la posibilidad de salir mal parado está siempre presente, no sólo por el evidente peligro que suponen los toros, sino también por numerosos factores externos, como la gran cantidad de corredores que se agolpan en las calles o el propio entorno en el que se desarrolla la carrera.

Minutos antes de las 8 de la mañana, los corredores cantan la protección de San Fermín, el “capotico”, en la cuesta de Santo Domingo. A continuación, la manada correrá por la Plaza Consistorial, Mercaderes y Estafeta hasta llegar a la Plaza de Toros, diseñada por Francisco Urcola en 1922.


how many running of the bulls is there in san fermin?

The running of the bulls runs through several streets of the old town of Pamplona, from the slope of Santo Domingo to the bullring. In total there are 875 meters. No matter how fit you are physically, it is impossible to complete the whole route because of the distance, the presence of other runners and the speed of the bulls. If you are in Pamplona on those days and at those hours, don’t worry, the course is fenced, and the bulls cannot escape.

Shortly before the start of the running of the bulls, the runners who are going to run in the first stretch, the slope of Santo Domingo, entrust themselves to the image of San Fermín, the patron saint of the fiestas, with a chant in honor of the saint that says “To San Fermín we ask, as he is our patron, to guide us in the running of the bulls by giving us his blessing”. Then the rocket is launched to announce the beginning.

running of the bulls

At the sound of the rocket, the bulls are released from the corral and the runners are focused on the look and direction. Next, everyone has to run as fast as possible in front of the animals. It feels like an exciting and dangerous race, because you are running away from the bulls. Sometimes when a bull falls to the ground, a gigantic sound from the 600-kilogram body disturbs the crowd. During the running of the bulls, the runners run with crazy enthusiasm, some touch the bulls, some fall down and get up to continue, others run after the bulls. You can hear the chants, shouts, whistles and swearing in the street, noisy as well, but with a lot of passion.

As an essential part of the fiesta, the bullfight is awaited by a large number of people. When the bullfighter appears in the bullring, with the typical red or yellow clothes shining under the sun, the spectators welcome him with loud applause and shouts. Then comes the moment to show charm and skill. The bullfighter does not worry about killing the bull, but brings a performance of turning, evading and provoking him. Those dangerous actions reflect the individual characteristic, intelligence, strength, courage and beauty of the bullfighter. Everyone is concerned, cheering, amused and shouting. There seems to be nothing more exciting than the bullfight.

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