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game of thrones 2×08

episode before its finale and, truth be told, I was not disappointed. The increased budget in this season has been noticed throughout all the episodes but, mostly, it was intended to provide epic battle towards which many of the plots of the season converged.

The sensational battle, resolved in less than an hour, leaves us wanting more. Even the few scenes of blown or severed heads, severed limbs and bodies skewered with arrows were not enough for me. Perhaps the screenwriters should be reproached for the excessive footage given to the scenes between Cersei and Sansa, with too long dialogues, which contributed little and interrupted the battle scenes too much. A concession to the master Martin, screenwriter of the episode? Only the unexpected final twist of Sansa Stark’s fate related to a certain character from whom we would not expect that kind of behavior partly justifies so much conversation with Joffrey’s mother.

The character of the Hound, Sandor Clegane, reserves some of the most shocking moments of the chapter including a decision that none of us expected, at least those of us who do not know the work of George R. R. Martin. The scene in which Clegane sends his king for a walk is one of the funniest of the episode, without a doubt, one more slap in the face of Joffrey but this time without hands. But before that we have enjoyed the almost confrontation with Bronn and his brutality in battle, splitting in two Stannis’ soldiers as if they were made of butter.

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Game of Thrones is considered one of the best sagas of all time for many moviegoers. If you want to watch Game of Thrones online or on your TV do not miss the following article where we tell you all the details to watch Game of Thrones and not miss a single chapter.

Game of Thrones is neither on Netflix nor Amazon Prime Unlike what you can see online, you should know that Game of Thrones is not on Netflix or Amazon Prime. So you will not be able to watch the series on any of these online platforms.


And what you have to keep in mind is that you can only watch Game of Thrones online, since HBO Max is a streaming platform that requires Internet connectivity to access it.

HBO Max promotion (valid until November 30, 2021) New HBO Max users will pay half of the fee forever, that is, they will only pay 4.45€ per month. Former subscribers will receive a 30% discount for 12 months and will continue to pay €8.99 per month thereafter.

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From the second season Cogman recommends revisiting What’s Dead Can’t Die (2×03), an episode that also bears his signature. Also The Gods Old and New (2×06), “which begins with the most overwhelming scene of the entire series”, and Blackwater (2×09), “the first great battle” of Game of Thrones, whose filming was “hell” for the whole team.

The Path of Punishment (3×03), a “very funny, very dark and very weird” episode, is the first of the four must-see of the third season along with And Now His Watch Is Over (3×04), “with the emergence of Ramsay as a villain and Daenerys’ triumphant march from Astapor with her army of Unsullied at her back.” Kissed by Fire (3×05), “one of my favorite episodes I’ve ever written,” and The Rains of Castamere (3×09), “the Red Wedding chapter, the one that changed everything for the plot and for the series.”

game of thrones 2×07

King’s Landing prepares for the offensive of Stannis Baratheon, who intends to sit on the Iron Throne. It is Tyrion who takes charge of the defense of the city and employs the Valyrian fire to reduce the hosts of Stannis. Thus, the dwarf Lannister becomes the hero of the battle. However, the enemy troops are too numerous and can barely contain them in the capital. In the end, when all seems lost, Tywin Lannister and his army storm King’s Landing to safeguard the monarchy of King Joffrey.

Without this episode, neither Tyrion’s exile nor Sansa’s departure from King’s Landing can be understood. Right at the end, at the wedding feast of King Joffrey and his beloved Margaery Tyrell, the king is poisoned in a tragic scene in which neither Jaime nor Cersei are able to help him.

Jon Snow and the Brotherhood cross the wall to hunt down one of the White Walkers and unite all the houses to fight the Night King. Once they are discovered and surrounded by the dead, a battle begins in the icy north that will only be remedied thanks to Khaleesi’s dragons. It is in this same chapter where Viserion is annihilated to awaken as the dragon of the Night King.

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