Caixabankes linea abierta la caixa

la caixa english customer service

CaixaBank Volunteering was created in 2005 with the aim of integrating solidarity into the daily lives of the bank’s employees. Along with them, family members, friends and customers also form part of the Association with the aim of improving society.

Employability and social insertion: We contribute to facilitate access to the labor market for vulnerable people. We also collaborate with entrepreneurs to promote and materialize their ideas and projects.

Financial education: We provide our financial knowledge to teach concepts on basic economics to different vulnerable groups, highlighting the great acceptance of our program in schools “Finance for Young People” highlighted in the prestigious PISA Report on Financial Competences.

CaixaBank Volunteers make it easy for you: in addition to offering you the guarantee of a century-old tradition of social commitment, we can provide you with the activity that suits you, whatever your interests and schedule. Check out the activities section and sign up to become a CaixaBank Volunteer.

caixa bank spain

As you know, imagin is the mobile entity of CaixaBank, its Current Account (the one you have now) has no commissions, works through the phone, is associated with a free debit card and offers many discounts on leisure, travel, etc..


I do not understand the change of account then, because I have just turned 20 and I have changed everything, card and app to see my account and my parents for example only the card and they can continue to get into the normal app of la caixa. In the nearest Caixa they don’t even know why.

In your case, this transfer must be to avoid paying commissions for the maintenance of the account or to facilitate the management. Your parents will not have been transferred because they must have their salaries paid directly into their account. In any case, if you are interested in returning to CaixaBank, you can go to a branch and ask to become a customer of the bank again.

Hello, a question…I switched to imaginbank…Now it is as if you had two accounts, right? Entoces to not be charged for having the normal account I have to cancel the caixa Bank is associated with the other and lose both?

acceso al banco de la caixa

Además, con Vista Rápida podrás ver en una sola pantalla los últimos movimientos en tu cuenta o en tu tarjeta, tus últimas domiciliaciones y mensajes, así como acceder a las operaciones pendientes de firma.

Gestione su correspondencia del mismo modo que su correo electrónico. Puede clasificar y añadir comentarios personalizados a sus correos electrónicos, y marcarlos como leídos o no leídos. También puede recibir alertas y notificaciones de operaciones pendientes. Y además:

Puedes cambiar la cuenta de cobro, devolver una domiciliación ya pagada, fraccionar el pago de las compras con tarjeta de crédito y consultar el desglose de tus adeudos u órdenes de cancelación.

Puede reservar moneda extranjera, desde 300 euros hasta 3.000 euros, y elegir las denominaciones de los billetes que prefiera, para más de 30 monedas. Después de un plazo de 2 a 4 días, puede acudir a la sucursal que desee, o autorizar a otra persona para que vaya en su nombre.

la caixa individuals

The current accounts of Banco Santander, BBVA, La Caixa or Bankia may be the first options you consider before contracting a product for your daily operations, but are they really the best proposals on the market?

Current accounts are probably the most basic banking product you can find in the offer of any bank: they can be used to pay bills, make transfers or pay by debit card and, although they do not have great advantages, they do not usually require anything in return from their customers. When looking for an offer of this type, it is likely that you have considered starting by taking a look at the proposals of the four largest banks in the country (now reconverted into three after the merger of Caixabank and Bankia): that is, the current accounts of Banco Santander, BBVA, Caixabank and Bankia.

In any case, remember that you can compare all the offers on the market -and sign up for the one that most interests you- in our current account comparator. If you prefer us to do the work for you, you can consult our monthly ranking of the best current accounts without salary.

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