El comercio digital diario de gijon

the confidential

It was founded on September 2, 1878 by a group of shipowners and industrialists from the acquisition of the printing house La Comercial, located in Corrida street in Gijón.[2] The newspaper had a circulation of 600 copies, basing its editorial line on the defense of Gijón’s commercial interests, mainly the port and the railroad. During the Civil War it was seized, and its facilities were used to print the socialist newspaper Avance. Subsequently, it would be seized by the rebel forces.[3] After the war, it had a series of difficulties for its start-up, due to post-war import limitations, paper limitations and the opposition of the official press of the Movement.

In 2017, she started the program “Futuro en Femenino” (Future in Female) together with Canal 10 TV, which aims to make visible good practices of companies and institutions in terms of gender equality, as well as to show female referents that break the glass ceiling, the invisible barrier that prevents them from moving up in their professional disciplines.[4]

the voice of asturias

On January 1, 1937, the newspaper Avance began to be published in Gijón, the city to which the Interprovincial Council of Asturias and León had previously been transferred. For this purpose, the Sindicato de Artes Gráficas gave its authorization to use the headquarters and printing press of the newspaper El Comercio (1878), while the Biscayan socialist unions undertook to supply it with paper. This is its third period, with the subtitle “socialist newspaper of Asturias”, and the indication on its masthead of the organizations for which it is spokesman: Unión General de Trabajadores and Federación Socialista Asturiana (PSOE).

In Parisian exile, an Avance would be published in 1939, directed by Alberto Fernández, and with the same title, clandestine sheets appeared in 1944 and 1946. Between 1974 and 1980, Avance was published again (Gabriel Santullano: 2006 and Antonio López de Zuazo: 2008).

the world

The foreign ministers also highlighted the value of the Saudi Fund for Development projects aimed at agricultural production with new related technologies, with different degrees of progress in the Argentine provinces of Mendoza, Córdoba and Santa Fe, and talked about advancing in new investments in Argentina.


The communiqué recalled that the trade balance is historically in surplus for Argentina, which between January and September 2021 reached US$542 million, as a result of Argentine exports to Saudi Arabia for US$705 million and imports for US$163 million.

The foreign ministers agreed on the need to expand trade exchanges, with the aim of opening markets for higher value-added products, since Argentina has the potential to increase exports of processed food products and opportunities in non-traditional sectors, the text added.

Meanwhile, Cafiero reaffirmed that Saudi Arabia is a “key partner” of Argentina in the Middle East, as it is a “very relevant” international political actor and highlighted its “global contribution” in favor of sustainable economic development.

the new spain

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