David bustamante en mira quien baila

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On July 26, 2015, during an interview for the cover of Caras Mexico magazine, she announced that the producer of the album was the Argentine Cheche Alara, who worked with Lady Gaga and Shakira, other producers included are Ettore Grenci and Sebastian J. with whom she had previously worked.[4] She also announced that the producer of the album was the Argentine Cheche Alara, who worked with Lady Gaga and Shakira, other producers included are Ettore Grenci and Sebastian J. with whom she had previously worked.[4

As for the cover used on each single, the photographs used on the cover of the single “Boom cha” were revealed through the singer’s Instagram.[62] The singer can be seen taking her hair while looking directly at the camera, wearing a black crop top with a gold-colored short, they were taken on August 18, 2015.

The photograph used on the cover of the single “Eres” was part of the photographs taken for the cover with the singer’s Central Magazine for the month of December.[63][64] Taken like the other photographs by Uriel Santana, the stylist was José Ramón Fernández and the makeup was by Javier de la Rosa.[65]

bustamante y yana gala 4 hd

Con unos pocos años se descubrió como cantante para una improvisación que se hizo en el bateig de un cosí suyo interpretando la cançó Guitarra. Siguió cantando y llegó a ser parte de una tuna. Bustamante comenzó a actuar en festivales y teatros. También se intentó presentar al concurso Lluvia de estrellas.

Ese mismo día realizó con sus compañeros de Operación Triunfo, una gira de más de cinco conciertos por las principales ciudades españolas, llegando a recorrer el Estadio Santiago Bernabéu de Madrid o el Palau Sant Jordi de Barcelona en diversas ocasiones. En esta gira la siguieron más de un millón de personas.


aida agramunt

On July 26, 2015, during an interview for the cover of Caras Mexico magazine, she announced that the producer of the album was the Argentine Cheche Alara, who worked with Lady Gaga and Shakira, other producers included are Ettore Grenci and Sebastian J. with whom she had previously worked.[4] On July 26, 2015, during an interview for the cover of Caras Mexico magazine, she announced that the producer of the album was the Argentine Cheche Alara, who worked with Lady Gaga and Shakira, other producers included are Ettore Grenci and Sebastian J. with whom she previously worked.[4

As for the cover used on each single, the photographs used on the cover of the single “Boom cha” were revealed through the singer’s Instagram.[62] The singer can be seen taking her hair while looking directly at the camera, wearing a black crop top with a gold-colored short, they were taken on August 18, 2015.

The photograph used on the cover of the single “Eres” was part of the photographs taken for the cover with the singer’s Central Magazine for the month of December.[63][64] Taken like the other photographs by Uriel Santana, the stylist was José Ramón Fernández and the makeup was by Javier de la Rosa.[65]

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David Bustamante Hoyos (nacido el 25 de marzo de 1982 en San Vicente de la Barquera, Cantabria) es un cantante y compositor de pop español. Alcanzó su fama inicial en 2001 como tercer clasificado en Operación Triunfo, el reality musical interactivo de televisión que llegó a alcanzar los mayores índices de audiencia de la historia de la televisión española. Bustamante ha vendido más de 2 millones de discos -álbumes y singles combinados- en España y Latinoamérica, consiguiendo 15 Discos de Platino en álbumes, descargas digitales y tonos de móvil. En 2016, ocho de sus nueve álbumes han alcanzado el número uno en España. Su último éxito es “Lo pide el alma” (2017). más “

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