Frases para cuando te ignoran en whatsapp

If they ignore you, it’s because they care about you

One of the most difficult things that can happen to you is when someone ignores you, usually feelings of inferiority are experienced. The phrases for when you are ignored can help you to realize that in reality things are not as serious as they seem to be, and it often happens that sometimes we misinterpret things or actions of other people.

Something we can do when we are ignored is to calm down, the phrases for when you are ignored seek precisely that, to keep calm in those moments when you do not feel accepted by another person, however many times some of these phrases also tend to highlight the pride of a person making us see that we do not need anything from the person who has ignored us, since we do not consider them as someone important.

Phrases for someone who ignores you and you love him or her

We must understand that all of us have beautiful attributes that make us worthy of being cared for. However, we must also understand that in our life remains who wants to stay. In this article, you will find other Phrases of truths.

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One of the phrases for someone who ignores you that reminds us that the truth, however painful it may be, grants more peace than any lie or broken promise. If you like to be in tune with this idea, we recommend this article of Peace Phrases.

We don’t know how lucky we are when someone ignores us, because life has taken us away from a person who doesn’t care about us. Don’t you think it’s a good phrase for someone who ignores you? If you liked it, don’t miss these Realistic phrases about life and love.


Lack of self-esteem can cloud our vision and bring us closer to people who really don’t care about us. This is one of the phrases for someone who ignores you that can save us from disappointment. Precisely, in this article, we show you Disappointment Phrases.

Phrases for when you feel ignored

You have been my life, you have been my treasure… the kind that wise phrases for those who ignore you are buried for centuries. So much admiration usually hides a hidden interest, envy or hypocrisy. My best friend was a dog, and he was not my pet. The rejection of traditions is a sign of ignorance of the history of our ancestors.

Sometimes, we confuse pride with humility as a way to achieve happiness.Compliments are a sign of cordiality. The lack of compliment is a sign of contempt Wise phrases for someone who ignores you a person. Life is short… Smile to those who cry, ignore those who criticize you and be happy with those you care about.

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A phrase to attract good vibrations. Walking through life I understood that the important thing is not to know what you have; the important thing is to know what you are worth. If you laugh, the world laughs with you, if you laugh, the world laughs with you, if you laugh alone, the world laughs with you. An inspiring phrase full of magnanimity.

A calm sea never made a good sailor. The worst regret we can have is not for the wrong things we did, but for the right things we did for the wrong people. Sadness that won’t let me live, dastardly sadness like a limpet on my skin.

Top net phrases

One day you try to have a conversation with a person, as you have always done, but he or she ignores what you say and does not seem to be interested in talking to you. What should you do when this happens? In Psychology-Online we want to explain to you when a man or a woman suddenly ignores you and why he or she does it.

People’s interests, whether we like it or not, change. Their priorities and their needs may change and as a consequence their attitude towards you, if someone ignores you it is because they are no longer interested in you. The reasons may range from the fact that they no longer need to meet a need, previously met by you because they have found someone else; to the fact that they are angry with you or have changed their way of thinking about you will find explained the reasons why people change their attitude.

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In general, when someone ignores you, they are indicating that they don’t feel like talking to you or spending time with you.On the other hand, there are cases where indifference is used to indicate that something you have done or something they have perceived about you has hurt or disappointed them. For example, when a parent ignores one of his or her children after he or she has disappointed him or her, either by his or her behavior or for similar reasons. In the following article you will find more information about the punishment of indifference.