Frases para personas malas de corazon

Phrases for people with bad intentions

There are those who say that teenagers or young women are not capable of being moms, but they are wrong. By nature, women are conditioned to be moms and do an excellent job with their children. If you know a young mom, we invite you to encourage her with some of these phrases:

Families of two are also valid. Regardless of the reason or circumstances, mothers are powerful, fighters and do the possible and impossible because their children lack nothing. Congratulate those mothers who have given their all and persevere to the end, with one of these phrases, on their day.

“God could not be everywhere, so he created mothers”- Jewish proverb. “A mother always brings warmth to the home, and when one is away from her, she is missed”- Anonymous. “The phrase working mother is redundant. Raising a child is one of the hardest things there can be in this life. Let’s hear it for all those courageous mothers” – Jane Sellman. “A man’s work is all day, but a mother’s work is never done” – Anonymous. “No one knows the work it takes to take care of a home except a mother” – Anonymous.

Phrases for bad and ungrateful people

Psychology studies our mind and helps us to find the necessary tools in life to learn to relax, to grow on a personal level and to overcome our fears, our frustrations and ideas that limit us. This science deals with universal issues, such as behavior or the human mind, but in addition to psychologists, other thinkers, writers, politicians or artists have tried to answer these kinds of questions and have been spokespersons for memorable phrases that can resonate within us, make us understand our emotions or reactions, give meaning to our circumstances and direction to our lives, as well as generate in us new thoughts, broaden our perspectives, drive us to action, creativity or remind us that we must review some of our attitudes.

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We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no limit to the adventures we can have as long as we seek them with our eyes wide open (Jawaharial Nehru).


Phrases for fake people with two faces

I know you’re afraid to disappoint me, but I hope you’ll be comforted to know that my expectations of you are very low.” 3. “I forgot that normal people have limits. 4. “Scissors cut paper, paper covers stone, stone crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock. The new rock-paper-scissors. 5. “When you understand the laws of physics, anything is possible. 6. “Interesting. You’re afraid of large insects and women…. A ladybug must make you catatonic”. 7. “You have as much chance of having a sexual relationship with Penny as the Hubble telescope has of discovering that at the center of every black hole is a little man with a flashlight looking for a switch. People say you can’t live without love… I think oxygen is more important. 9. “Fear of heights is illogical. Fear of falling, on the other hand, is prudent and evolutionary.” 10. No, I’m going to ask you to choose between sex and Halo 3. As far as I know, sex has not been upgraded and does not include 3D graphics or next-gen weapons. 11. “Oh gravity! You are a heartless bitch.

Phrases for envious people

We have all heard that “if your photo is not good enough, it’s because you were not close enough”. That mythical phrase attributed to the great Robert Capa is one of the most famous, but throughout the history of photography there have been many others who (in addition to their art) have left for posterity some of those quotes that deserve a careful reading by all of us who love this art.

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That’s why we bring you this compilation of 100 of the best quotes from photographers of all time (made by Digital Camera World) that we hope will be very inspiring. The quotes are organized according to different themes and, for practical reasons, we offer them divided into two parts.

2. “Taking a photograph is rather like writing a paragraph or a short piece, and taking a whole series of photographs is like producing a piece of writing in many ways. There is the possibility of making coherent statements in an interesting, subtle and complex way”, David Goldblatt.