Correo guardia civil por internet

www guardiacivil org instancia

Si tiene conocimiento de que en los servicios de su empresa hay material de abuso sexual infantil o de que en los servicios que presta o aloja hay información relacionada con el abuso sexual infantil, puede utilizar los puntos de contacto que se indican a continuación. Debe elegir el punto de contacto correspondiente al país en el que se encuentran sus servicios. Esto le dará acceso a un mecanismo de notificación a través del cual se pondrá en contacto con usted y se abordarán sus preocupaciones.

Si se encuentra en los Estados Unidos de América o está sujeto a las leyes de ese país, debe cumplir con la Ley Federal 18 U.S.C. § 2258A en la denuncia de dicho material a través del Centro Nacional para Niños Desaparecidos y Explotados.

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Life slows down as the whole world struggles with the health crisis caused by the coronavirus. The slogan that moves us is #StayAtHome but that doesn’t mean the bad guys will stop; especially since criminals have learned techniques to scam us without the need for us to be on the street. That’s why the Guardia Civil warns: if you receive this email, do nothing.

The fake email alerts drivers that the system of the Dirección General de Tráfico (which is the supposed sender of the message) has detected that they have an unpaid fine. To formalize the payment and get more details of the alleged penalty the recipient should access a link that appears at the end of the message.

The Benemérita warns that this is exactly what should not be done. The link gives access to a malware that is installed on the computer and allows hackers to access all the user’s private data.


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The Intervention of Weapons of the Civil Guard has recently changed its model of communication with the administrators. Until a few months ago, the Intervention sent letters by postal mail warning of the upcoming expiration of the weapons permit, but this way of proceeding has fallen into disuse. The Armed Forces have communicated that from now on their way of contacting the holders of a weapons permit will be by e-mail, phone calls or a cell phone message.

The Civil Guard allows the administrators the possibility of deactivating one or both means of communication and renounce to the sending of informative communications. “To do so, you only have to go to your Intervention of Weapons and Explosives and personally communicate your decision,” the message informed.

This new communication system will not be used to notify resolutions that must have administrative effects, as is the case of sanctions, nor will it be a means available to users to contact their Intervention of Arms and Explosives. Neither will personal data be requested through this channel.

civil guard mail

The fraudulent email is sent from an account that does not belong to the Amazon service. That is to say, the address from which the emails are sent is not a domain belonging to the service.  This email is identified with the subject “Dear, You have (1) a package located in the Amazon distribution center”, although it is not ruled out that they may be distributed with other similar subjects.

Finally, once you have entered the data, when you click on the button to send it, the page will show an error, but the cybercriminals will already have it in their possession to make use of it for any malicious or fraudulent purpose.

If you have received such an e-mail, accessed the link and provided your credit card details, contact your bank as soon as possible to inform them of what has happened. In addition, the Internet Security Office recommends that you remain vigilant and periodically monitor the information published about you on the Internet to prevent your private data from being used without your consent.

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