Protectora de animales el refugio

Protectora de animales madrid

El Refugio – Escuela MARLENE is an association made up of a few friends who help animals in extreme situations, with the aim of giving them back their health, joy and confidence. Our furry friends need a home where they can be happy and loved for the rest of their lives. Do you want to adopt and gain a friend? You can also collaborate by joining the team as a volunteer, sponsor, partner and/or foster home.

The volunteer work is altruistic and requires a high commitment. The tasks of a volunteer for dogs and cats are: cleaning of plots, feeding, veterinary care, brushing, outings to the yard and, above all, being understanding and giving them lots of love.BE A VOLUNTEER.

Get to know the stories of our brave cats and fall in love with them. If you can not be a volunteer and you want to collaborate in the welfare of one of our rescued dogs or cats until they find their adoptive family, become a sponsor of your favorite furry for 6€ per month.

Be part of this family! Thanks to your minimum contribution of 6€ we guarantee the care of all the dogs and cats in the shelter until they find their final home. In exchange, you will be the first person to know the new members, all the news, pictures and videos of the furry ones.

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Dog adoption

In general, the adoption of a kitten usually has a higher cost than that of an adult cat, due to the initial veterinary expenses and the need to sterilize it when it reaches sexual maturity.


The first one revolves around adoption through individuals, who offer this possibility by means of advertisements in veterinary clinics, specialized pet stores, publication in social networks and/or search engines (“free cat adoption” / “free cat puppies”). This route also includes adoption through friends, relatives or acquaintances who have just had a litter of kittens, or who cannot take care of an adult cat due to certain circumstances.

The second way of adoption can be done through shelters, shelters, shelters or other non-profit associations, either through their respective websites or by visiting them in situ. In this case, there is a protocol of action and an approximate average cost, which is stipulated according to the conditions of the cat to be adopted. The approximate average cost of adoption varies between 100€ and 50€, depending mainly on the age of the cat (kitten or adult). This cost usually includes the veterinary check-up, the price of the first vaccinations, internal and external deworming and the implantation of the microchip. All cats are delivered with their vaccination record up to date, sterilized if they are adults, dewormed internally and externally, and with the microchip.

Animal hug

Many people tend to contact or go directly to an animal shelter to leave an abandoned dog or cat there, however, this is not the right method of action, because depending on the area in which the animal has been abandoned it must be delivered to one shelter or another.If we have found an abandoned dog we should contact the authorities by phone, explaining the situation, the exact area in which we have found the dog and any other relevant information:

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The alicante shelter

Normally, the animal is sought to be adopted by a new owner, although it can be sent to another facility, such as a sanctuary, or euthanized for health reasons or impossibility of maintenance.

An animal shelter is governed by a clear and simple principle: respect for the animal’s dignity. These organizations are against any action of mistreatment of animals, whatever the reason. They only use the sacrifice of the animals they take in when they are terminally ill and when there is a danger to society.

Some of them have no limit of animals (it all depends on the regulations of the municipalities and associations) and are constantly overwhelmed. We must always be sympathetic to the problems that this entails, since if there is one thing that governs the world of animal shelters, it is the scarcity of resources.

Nowadays the animal shelters do a great job in taking care of these abandoned pets, although this work brings with it many difficulties against which they are forced to fight daily, such as funding, a very tricky issue today in many aspects. There is not a uniform way of funding for all animal shelters, each one has different activities in order to collect the maximum possible amount for the maintenance of these pets. These methods of financing, among others, are the following:

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