Sepe sede electronica vida laboral

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We are going to explain you how to download your work life from your browser, something that will help you to do it from your laptop or desktop computer as well as from your cell phone. The steps to follow and the website you must enter are exactly the same in both cases, so you can get it wherever you are.

It is an official document that compiles all the periods of time in which you have contributed to Social Security, both as an employee and as a self-employed person. The report shows all the companies with which you have signed a contract in chronological order, with the dates of registration and deregistration with the Social Security. You also have the total number of days you have contributed, the contribution group, and information about your contracts.

In order to download your employment history you will need a method to verify your identity. The simplest is through an SMS, which is the one we will use in the step-by-step, but you can also use your digital certificate, DNIe or Cl@ve PIN. You can easily obtain the certificate from the Royal Mint’s website.

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To protect the privacy of the citizen, the request for some services requires an electronic ID or a digital certificate. Among them are the issuance of the provisional replacement certificate (CPS) of the European Health Insurance Card, the report of identification and address data, as well as the request for change of address.

Without a digital certificate you will be able, among other services provided by the Electronic Headquarters, to check your right to health care or request a work life report. It is very important that you have an updated postal address, since documents are sent exclusively to the address that appears in the database of the General Treasury of the Social Security.


The following documents, among others, can be requested in this way: duplicate of the affiliation document, report of contribution bases, report of bases and contributions paid, report of identification and address data, report of the worker’s current situation, report of work life and report of limited work life.

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The current employment status report or employment history is a document issued by the Social Security that allows you to consult the time you have been working and the days you have contributed under the different Social Security regimes. This certificate can be downloaded in full or in a limited form.

Users who have a digital certificate can download the work life report online immediately and free of charge. This is the easiest, fastest and most convenient procedure, since with a couple of clicks any worker can download the certificate in pdf format online.

Thanks to these simple steps you can obtain the employment history report in 5 minutes. In case of problems with the download, it is advisable to consult this Social Security guide with the general technical requirements.

The Social Security allows you to download the work life certificate in pdf format with an SMS text message. It is a system that allows to obtain the report instantly and does not require security certificates.

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A page will open with a long list of procedures and reports. You will have to scroll down until you find ‘Informe de vida laboral’ and click on the plus button. Just below, there is the possibility of requesting the report to be sent to your home address by ordinary mail, but this option must be selected if you do not have an electronic certificate or the Cl@ve Pin system. If these credentials are available, it is faster to request it online.

After filling in the required fields and entering the password, we will be automatically redirected to the Social Security page from where we can download our Work Life Report in PDF.

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